Operating on the front is the way to use controversy to drive growth

From superorganizers, about hey.com launch


””” Notice how both of these issues exist on the edge of previously accepted behavior. That’s no accident! Operating on the front is the only way to use controversy to drive growth:

(Credit for this style of analysis goes to Slate Star Codex.)

Out on the front, some people think your idea is terrible, others think it’s obviously correct, and most people just aren’t sure what they think yet.

The collective attention of the internet hangs out around the front all the time, for three reasons:

Power — Those on each side of the front rationally sense that it’s the most productive use of their energy. There really is an opportunity to change what is normal here. For example, look at Universal Basic Income. It works as a political issue in part because so many people haven’t figured it out yet.

Identity — You don’t get many Catholic points for denouncing murder. Everyone agrees with you, so it costs you nothing, and therefore proves nothing about your devotion to Catholicism. Oppose condoms, on the other hand, and that’s really saying something. You only prove your devotion to a cause by sending a costly signal.

Attention — The other thing about denouncing murder is that it’s boring. Everyone agrees. Controversy is a better way to get people talking. It creates a positive feedback loop where tribespeople on both sides are rewarded by their ingroup for taking a stand against the other. This is a powerful memetic strategy for replication and growth. And so, given the properties of this system, most of our attention revolves around controversial issues. “””

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