
Thus the one skilled in arms, on seeing the deficiency of the enemy, takes advantage of it and does not rest, pursues it and does not let it go presses it and does not let it get away.

He strikes while the enemy is in doubt overturns him while he hesitates.

He is like swift thunder that does not give the enemy time to cover his ears fast lightning that leaves the enemy no leisure to cover his eyes

The one skilled in arms is like the sound to the echo is like the gong to the drum If a mote gets into the enemy’s eye, he does not allow him to wipe it away if the enemy exhales he does not allow him to inhale

At this time he does not look up to see Heaven he does not look down to view Earth his hand does not lift his spear his weapon is not fully drawn He strikes the enemy like thunder he hits him like the wind he scorches him like fire; he overcomes him like a wave

The enemy does not know where to stay while at rest does not know what to do while in motion

Thus when the drums sound and the flags wave, none facing him do not give up or collapse. Who in the worlds dares to display might or maintain discipline when facing him? Therefore, one who anticipates others is victorious; one who awaits others is defeated; one who is led by others dies.

  • Huainanzi 15.11 [2]

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