Be water
Bruce Lee
David Allen: mind like water
Survival of the adaptable.
“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.” â Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad
Notes mentioning this note
Keep moving
Most real life situations are complex ([[Complexity]]). You cannot foresee enough for detailed rigid plans.
[[Nobody knows anything]]
[[Be water]]
[[Reality has a suprising amount of detail]]
[[Never do great things]]
Keep moving
Most real life situations are complex ([[Complexity]]). You cannot foresee enough for detailed rigid plans.
[[Nobody knows anything]]
[[Be water]]
[[Reality has a suprising amount of detail]]
[[Never do great things]]